Thursday, August 21, 2008

@ the end of the day.

We arrived at San Pedros at 1:09PM giving Sabrina a completion time of 12 hours and 34 minutes. Her friend and children paddled in to the shore with her where her friends and family awaited.

Nikki, Rob, Dane, our friend David, and I met up with family at the docks, relaxed at the restaurant and discussed possible plans for a tandem with a relay group of friends and family.

Overall, I think the trip was a learning experience for everyone and I'm looking forward to being a part of the potential relay and supporting my sister once again in accomplishing her goals. Take a moment to check out the photos trip below. I still have a few I need to post, but I need to get back to work for now...

Nikki & Sabrina's Catalina Swim

And the swim goes on...

A message from Nikki:

Hi All,
The night was very choppy and I was extremely seasick for almost 5 hours, my body was not willing to cooperate, I could not recover without slowing down, the slower pace was not tolerable for my swimming partner Sabrina. I had to make a very difficult decision. Swimming slower could increase the chances of Sabrina not being able to complete the swim and my body needed a slower pace to recover. We continued to try to get things in sync and were not able. I finally made the very difficult decision to let go of today's swim, I had no interest in swimming the channel alone, I knew Sabrina was more willing to swim a solo. Ugh, what a difficult moment!!! I had to let it go....I felt it was not going to be my moment, not today. Sabrina is still cranking away, so far in the water for 10 hours, looks like it will take another 3 to get her there.

"And They're Off" from Catalina Island

After much preparation the swim begins.

The actual start time was 12:35, the water is a balmy 78 degrees, and they are about 1.5 hours in at this point. Aside from a few upset stomachs here on the boat and having to reattach thier glow sticks everything is smooth sailing.
I'll be doing my shift paddling on the kayak at the 3 hour point. I'm brining my camera and although it's dark, I'll do my best to share the experience.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm "Intro to Nikki & Sabrina's Catalina to Long Beach Swim"

A while back my sister Nikki and her friend Sabrina had enjoyed swimming so much that they decided to make plans to swim from Catalina Island to Long Beach which is roughly 21 miles. Based on their training they have estimated that they will complete this in about 12 hours.

Today we are on our way to Long Beach today and everything seem to be coming together smoothly. I will keep you posted as the event progresses.